Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently asked questions regarding our store and practices.


Q: Where will items be shipped from once I have made my order and how long will it take?

A: Items are shipped from our supplier in Poland but sometimes may be shipped from inside the UK if we have available stock. This can take between 3-7 business days from day of shipping.


Q: Do I (the customer) have to pay any Import VAT or customs charges as items are shipped from outside the UK?

A: No, any Import VAT, customs charges or taxes are paid and handled by us (ZenEasy Ltd). Any normal UK VAT is included in the price of the items we sell.


Q: What do I do if I have received a letter saying that I need to pay any shipping fees or customs charges?

A: Please contact us immediately and we will resolve this issue for you. All charges will be handled by us so please do not worry if you receive such a letter. This should not happen but there may be an administrative error that could lead to this so do not be alarmed by this.


Please contact us via phone, email or live chat to ask any further questions and we will be happy to add them to the FAQ list to ensure any future customers are made aware.